JOUETS was designed with nostalgia and childhood dreams in mind. It is a collection for those who still enjoy a playful approach to life and keep some toys hidden in their drawers. Rubix cubes, Spinning Tops, Bubble Wands and Dolls are all memorabilia which might soon disappear from our memories with the advent of technology.

The collection was ideated with the intention of reminding each and every one of us of how precious, not only our memories but also our wishes and naive fantasies are.
Each object, bold whilst delicate at the same time, should be kept as a memento of the fragile aspects of our childhood we so easily brush aside at times.

It is a reminder to pick up that Bubble Wand, blow a few soapy wishes, and in the paraphrased words of poet Mary Oliver “think again of dangerous and noble things.. be light and frolicsome, improbable, beautiful.. and afraid of nothing. As if you had wings.”